Tuesday, June 9, 2009

A lecture on Lolita: YouTube Ed

I was leafing through an April 27th edition of Time Magazine, and I came upon an article featuring YouTube's newest launch, their educational video series. Turns out many Ivy League universities are agreeing to have lectures from their finest professors filmed and published entirely gratis for the general public. Want to listen to a physics lecture from a professor at MIT? How about a history brush up from a professor at Stanford University? Well, I was playing around with the website, and stumbled upon a lecture by Yale's Amy Hungerford. And wouldn't you know it? The one I listed to today was the first of a three part series on Nabokov's Lolita:

There are quite a few others I plan to watch:
Physics: Classical Mechanics

or Yale's channel:

Boys and girls, looks like it's another point for the internet and google,

Mme. Bookling

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