Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Inevitable Question

I must ask because someone else recently asked me:

What in God's name are you reading right now?

I've launched a December challenge to finish The Brothers Karamazov and have figured out that I only have to read 20 pages to finish by the end of the month. Easy!  Also, don't get me wrong.  I love the book and have enjoyed it thoroughly, but sometimes compatibility with novels simply doesn't match up.  My life has not been conducive to reading lately, so I just kind of pick it up here and there.  That's okay, but I can't help but feel loss at the continutiy of the novel.  I mean, what author hopes that his reader will take one year to read his book?  I don't really think so.

So the question remains...I'm curious about what's on your "currently reading" and "to read" list?  I promise not to judge if it's stupid! :)



Sarah Alaoui said...

I just went to a used goods store and bought tons more books : /

currently reading: Lolita
Le Petit Prince


she said...

i'm currently reading 2 (3?) books:

{love falls} by some unknown author, about a girl who goes to italy with her father to stay in a villa and learns/discovers all sorts of things about herself/him/life/love

{christine falls} by benjamin black; a mystery set in 1950s dublin. rich, a little thrilling, and quite enjoyable so far.

side note: i just realized that these 2 books i left the library with last week both have the word "falls" in them. interesting.

{her fearful symmetry} by audrey niffenegger (of "time traveler's wife" fame); reviews said it was a suspenseful, strange, dark, ethereal modern-day love story. also, the hardcover was $7 on amazon and i needed just that for free super saver shipping. i've been eyeing this book and it's never checked in at the library, so i figured i'd splurge. so far it's intriguing and the characters are ones you can't wait to learn more about.

Andrea said...

I have found the key with reading Russian (which I LOVE) is the translation. A mediocre translation and the reading is arduous!
I started War and Peace on Christmas Eve, at my mothers, but forgot the novel on the night stand when I returned home... :/
So I've been reading some light Alexander McCall Smith novels until I can make a trip to get it. An old, old, heavy hardcover otherwise I'd get it sent!
I am re-reading "Feel the Fear and do it Anyway" because I want a little boost for the New Year. :)

Idée Géniale said...

Oh I'm so happ to have stumbled upon your blog! This is just what I need to get me through my reading challenges.
Well, right now I'm trying to finish A Thousand Splendid Suns. I keep starting it then putting it down. the problem is that its hardcover and I usually read on the train commute to work. yup, I need to fix that!