Sunday, April 26, 2009

a persuasive snob

i admit it. i come clean. i wash my hands of it. i committed a personal cardinal sin.

i let popular culture affect what i decide to read.
and rather than hiding it away in my dirty little closet of chic-flick secrets, i am CONFESSING that....

i watched this:

which made me pick up a re-read of this:

in a world of pinafores and wit,
mme. bookling

i am already regretting the confession.
because i am a snob. i like being a snob.
but if i feign a humble confession, then it becomes charming.

don't answer that.


Denise | Chez Danisse said...

persuasion was always my favorite. i read it during a solo trip to italy. perhaps i'll re-read it too... i'm currently caught up in reading their eyes were watching god. it's very good so far. this does not mean that i don't have my own closet w/ a few dirty little chic-flick (& lit) secrets. cheers to charming confessions.

Christina said...

i think we should all be allowed to be a snob about something...

she said...

sigh. i also saw this. i also liked it, despite my desire not to (that gal with the spiky hair and purple glasses weirded me out). she reminded me of a masculine version of annette bening. gross.

anyway, i haven't read austen much and after hearing, and reading your letter, perhaps i shall.